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Four New Workshops

for your Own Self-Development    ←OR→    for your Company's Productivity

Available to Private Individuals at amazing WeWork locations in Central London, or for Your Team at Your Office during lunch breaks / after 5pm - buy a pass OR ask your Employer to arrange one of the Following for Your Team:




Political Correctness – Are we all enmeshed in it?

Does politeness necessarily include genuineness?

A workshop aimed to

enhance your awareness of

Authenticity in daily actions,

a process that would lead to Spontaneity,

Vitality, Clarity, Trust

& engagement in Meaningful relationships.



"Drawing from ancient myths from the West & India as well as from Modern lifestyles, Francesco guides us through an interactive exploration of the Values we live by


Attributes we aspire to emulate".

What are they?
Do they really help us?
Is it time to change?

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Networking Event





The Challenges to Wellbeing 

presented to us from the Information Society

in which we live

are actually Equal to the

Opportunities for Growth available.

In this era of potent

Mainstream & Social Media influence

Wellbeing is more than ever an aspect to

Understand, Safeguard and Nurture.
How do we preserve our Emotional wellbeing
as well as

maintaining an ability to critically Evaluate

facts & opinions?



"Ethics, Reason, Emotions, Meaning & Purpose".


Positive Psychology & Philosophy

can help us


our own Meaningful Path

Aerial View
Fayre the WORKSHOP: Services
Laptop & Coffee


Political Correctness – Are we all enmeshed in it?

Does politeness necessarily include genuineness?

A workshop aimed to enhance your awareness of Authenticity in daily actions, a process that would lead to spontaneity, vitality, clarity, trust & engagement in meaningful relationships.

Person-centred therapist Francesco Coni suggests that extending the use of the term PC to all human interactions would be useful in order to clarify how to go about a quest for sincerity and authenticity.Francesco would illustrate and take you through a range of situations with different concealed PC peculiarities to them.

The workplace is only one of them, though one which may produce dynamics fuelled by indifference or passive aggression, dressed in PC. Why?

Because by its very nature political correctness is correct about certain societal rules and possibly oblivious of people’s feelings, as it is not about feelings; PC is about conventions and manners.

So is this workshop aimed at enabling me to become nicer to people I don’t like and feel good about it? Not really, the point of the workshop is to raise awareness of how we perceive all relationships in quite a different light once we are capable to embrace the practice of congruence into our lives.

How we are likely to behave when we are more consistently spontaneous and authentic has little to do with being nice. Besides the workshop is certainly more concerned with the process than it is with end goals. What counts for Francesco is the process, what counts is asking oneself why, as opposed to how.

In this workshop we would also consider possible blocks to authenticity, and their relation to trust issues.

We would take a brief look at cultures, not only national ones; at shared meanings, and the importance of choosing words that are meaningful to us in this context and generally.

We would consider whether a combination of PC and authenticity is possible or effective, after comparing & contrasting the following terms:

- politeness & forthrightness

- rudeness & honesty

- politeness & genuineness/authenticity

- passiveness & assertiveness

- passiveness & compassion

- assertiveness & congruence

We would take a brief look at what Stephen Fry had to say with regards to PC contribution to civil and human rights achievements but we would do that whilst pointing out that PC seeps into daily mundane interactions that have nothing do with the big issues of being anxious to offend minorities about crucial aspects of their identity. We suggest that extending the use of the term PC to all human interactions would be a useful step to clarify and support our quest for sincerity and authenticity.

The workshop would be interactive and it is not aimed at being an intellectual exercise but rather to provide some therapeutic insights.

Fayre the WORKSHOP: About
Solar Eclipse


"Drawing from ancient myths from the West & India, as well as from Modern lifestyles,

Francesco guides us through a fun & interactive exploration of the Values we live by

and the Attributes we aspire to emulate". What are they?

Do they really help us?  ....Is it time to change?

We would also spend about fifteen minutes explaining how understanding the profound meaning of the word Yoga can provide much insight into our lives - not many people know what Yoga really means, despite it being the most popular wellbeing activity in the UK.

Francesco is a fully qualified and widely experienced Person-Centred counsellor, with a special interest in group work, community & personal development, issues of social inclusion & diversity, addiction, loss, politics for the communities, spirituality, impact of media & technology on ability to develop and flourish, family & couple therapy,

systemic constellations, and the work of Rudolf Steiner.


“What do we Align ourselves to? And is it Working for us?" is part of a 4 sessions course, and it is the only workshop for which we decided not to give too much away in advance, in order to maximise the surprise element!
The 4 New Workshops we published on this page are not designed to be attended in any particular order eg this could be the first one you attend.

Each workshop has indeed been designed to make sense as a standalone session, however the four workshops complement each other as a unit also, as they explore similar issues of self-development, communication, wellbeing, connection and company's productivity from different angles.

Whether you lead a hippie/spiritual lifestyle, are an Employer looking to arrange a workshop or a team-away-day,

or an individual seeking to actually achieve some perspective about a stressful job, remember that your needs are not at odds to one another as far as we are concerned - just tell us what type of self-development is needed

and we would be happy to advise.

We launched these four workshops when it became apparent to us that companies' directors/management who have trust in employees ideas and reservations are the ones who actually thrive the most. 

We then became passionate about developing a program where we can be person-centred and authentic

without any anxiety/guilt that we may be making a disservice to any of the parties involved. 

Fayre the WORKSHOP: About
Networking Event


The Challenges to Wellbeing 
presented to us from the Information Society in which we live
are actually Equal to the
Opportunities for Growth available.
In this era of potent Mainstream & Social Media influence
Wellbeing is more than ever an aspect to
Understand, Safeguard and Nurture. 
How do we preserve our Emotional wellbeing as well as
maintaining an ability to critically Evaluate facts & opinions?

Using an interactive method of presenting this topic, Francesco will explain that such ability is central to wellbeing itself; achieving the right life/work balance may not be sufficient.
The quality of our emotional & thinking life is equally important & has a life of its own.
Non-dual thinking is our ability to read reality in a way that is not judgmental, in a way that is not exclusionary of the part that we don't understand.
It is the “intuition” achieved through mindfulness (or a range of other equally helpful practices) that is needed in order to gradually shift from dualistic thinking to non-dual, centerless awareness.
Embracing non-dual thinking leads to Wellbeing, Integrity & Freedom.

Do you ever feel confused by the complexity of the world, the amount of information out there & the range of options
in your life but with no guidance on how to navigate all this?

Do you find that you tend to have a “I agree or I disagree with this” reaction more easily when you either read the news or are on social media/surfing the web, than when you read a book?

We are “cleverer” than our ancestors as we developed rationality & the scientific mind to an extremely fine and sophisticated degree. Instead they were "wiser" than we are currently, as they possessed the finest intuitive thinking based on a natural grasp of pure non-judgmental meaning behind a reality which, for them, was somewhat pictorial, full of images ie non-dual thinking.

In the current era, our ability to reach a detached stance whilst processing the information we stumble upon can sometimes be challenged.
Awareness of the insidiousness of dualistic thinking is a good place to start.

Non-dual is the “intuition” achieved through practices such as mindfulness that’s needed in order to gradually shift from dualistic thinking to non-dual, centerless awareness.
Embracing non-dual thinking leads to wellbeing, integrity and freedom.


Francesco is a fully qualified and widely experienced Person-Centred counsellor, with a special interest in group work, community & personal development, issues of social inclusion & diversity, addiction, loss, politics for the communities, spirituality, impact of media & technology on ability to develop and flourish, family & couple therapy,

systemic constellations, and the work of Rudolf Steiner.


“Embracing Non-Dual thinking for Wellbeing, Integrity & Freedom in today's world"

is part of a 4 sessions course, 
The 4 New Workshops we published on this page are not designed to be attended in any particular order 

eg this could be the first one you attend.

Each workshop has indeed been designed to be effective/beneficial as a standalone session. 

However the four workshops complement each other as a unit also,

as they explore similar issues of

self-development, communication, wellbeing, connection and company's productivity

from different angles.

Whether you lead a hippie/spiritual lifestyle, are an Employer looking to arrange a workshop or a team-away-day,

or an individual seeking to actually achieve some perspective about a stressful job, remember that your needs are not at odds to one another as far as we are concerned - just tell us what type of self-development is needed

and we would be happy to advise.

We launched these four workshops when it became apparent to us that companies' directors/management who have trust in employees ideas and reservations are the ones who actually thrive the most. 

We then became passionate about developing a program where we can be person-centred and authentic

without any anxiety/guilt that we may be making a disservice to any of the parties involved. 

Fayre the WORKSHOP: About
Flowers on Wood


Political Correctness – Are we all enmeshed in it?

Does politeness necessarily include genuineness?

A workshop aimed to enhance your awareness of Authenticity in daily actions, a process that would lead to spontaneity, vitality, clarity, trust & engagement in meaningful relationships.

Person-centred therapist Francesco Coni suggests that extending the use of the term PC to all human interactions would be useful in order to clarify how to go about a quest for sincerity and authenticity.Francesco would illustrate and take you through a range of situations with different concealed PC peculiarities to them.

The workplace is only one of them, though one which may produce dynamics fuelled by indifference or passive aggression, dressed in PC. Why?

Because by its very nature political correctness is correct about certain societal rules and possibly oblivious of people’s feelings, as it is not about feelings; PC is about conventions and manners.

So is this workshop aimed at enabling me to become nicer to people I don’t like and feel good about it? Not really, the point of the workshop is to raise awareness of how we perceive all relationships in quite a different light once we are capable to embrace the practice of congruence into our lives.

How we are likely to behave when we are more consistently spontaneous and authentic has little to do with being nice. Besides the workshop is certainly more concerned with the process than it is with end goals. What counts for Francesco is the process, what counts is asking oneself why, as opposed to how.

In this workshop we would also consider possible blocks to authenticity, and their relation to trust issues.

We would take a brief look at cultures, not only national ones; at shared meanings, and the importance of choosing words that are meaningful to us in this context and generally.

We would consider whether a combination of PC and authenticity is possible or effective, after comparing & contrasting the following terms:

- politeness & forthrightness

- rudeness & honesty

- politeness & genuineness/authenticity

- passiveness & assertiveness

- passiveness & compassion

- assertiveness & congruence

We would take a brief look at what Stephen Fry had to say with regards to PC contribution to civil and human rights achievements but we would do that whilst pointing out that PC seeps into daily mundane interactions that have nothing do with the big issues of being anxious to offend minorities about crucial aspects of their identity. We suggest that extending the use of the term PC to all human interactions would be a useful step to clarify and support our quest for sincerity and authenticity.

The workshop would be interactive and it is not aimed at being an intellectual exercise but rather to provide some therapeutic insights.

Fayre the WORKSHOP: About
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